Have a look at our case studies to give you ideas about what can be achieved.

Our energy advisors have helped many households on their journey to energy efficiency.  Our advice has helped clients to better understand their homes, explore available options, and make their homes warmer and more energy efficient.  Perhaps our case studies will inspire you to create a more sustainable eco-home.

Bringing a 1950s house into the 21st century

1950s built ex Local Authority house.
This is a very familiar type of house to Scots, and one held with a degree of affection by many.

Making a Victorian semi warmer while reducing carbon emissions

The owners wanted a house that could easily be maintained at 20 degrees – as an elderly couple, a warmer home is essential for their health. As a sporty couple, they also wanted copious hot water for showers and wanted to reduce their carbon footprint.

Private landlord energy saving plan

Turning an Energy Bill Nightmare into a Highland Dream Home

Turning an Edwardian cottage into an Eco home in Aberfeldy

The homeowner care deeply about the environment and strive to live an eco friendly lifestyle


Contact us for Free Expert Energy Advice

We have helped over 3000 households in Perthshire save an average of 15-20 percent on their energy bills and become more energy efficient.