Our View

Insulation, insulation, insulation


Why Insulating your Home should be a top priority? Insulating more homes would reduce energy bills, carbon emissions and would create tens of thousands of new jobs. Most importantly, it would benefit society's poorest the most significantly, because these households spend a far higher proportion of their income on energy, especially in the current crisis. [...]

Insulation, insulation, insulation2023-04-18T15:21:26+00:00

How the cost of living crisis negatively affects our household behaviour


The cost-of-living crisis has a short-term impact on financial resilience of course. But something that is not talked about so much is shutting down social activity and spending less time with friends, loved ones, and community groups. The figure below shows how people have been cutting back, both in September 2022 and January 2023. 54% [...]

How the cost of living crisis negatively affects our household behaviour2023-04-19T15:39:06+00:00

Private landlord energy saving plan


Turning an Energy Bill Nightmare into a Highland Dream Home This case study illustrates a private landlord owned lovely cottage in our project area. Due to the exposed location and solid walls, the cottage was getting cold and damp. A dream cottage became a nightmare for the tenant. This was the situation that The HEAT [...]

Private landlord energy saving plan2023-04-17T14:35:12+00:00

Turning an Edwardian cottage into an Eco home in Aberfeldy


The homeowner care deeply about the environment and strive to live an eco friendly lifestyle The home owning couple have a traditional Edwardian cottage in Aberfeldy, Scotland.  They are enthusiastic about leading an eco-friendly lifestyle. They came across the HEAT Project at the Aberfeldy Climate Cafe and asked for energy advice on how to reduce [...]

Turning an Edwardian cottage into an Eco home in Aberfeldy2023-04-17T14:35:53+00:00

Bringing a 1950s house into the 21st century


1950s built ex Local Authority house This is a very familiar type of house to Scots, and one held with a degree of affection by many. Construction brick, with a cavity wall, and slate or tile roofs, solid floor. EPC rating As built, band F – As surveyed, with double glazing, cavity wall insulation, 75mm of [...]

Bringing a 1950s house into the 21st century2023-04-17T14:37:36+00:00
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