Latest Past Events

The HEAT Project energy advice stall-Insulate Pitlochry

West Moulin Road Pitlochry, PH16 5EA West Moulin Road, Pitlochry

Come along to chat to our local Energy Advisors and volunteers in Pitlochry Coop on Saturday 15th April 10am to 2pm regarding one of the first steps to making our homes and buildings more energy efficient: insulation. About a third of all heat lost from our buildings escapes through the walls. By insulating our homes [...]

The HEAT Project will host a home energy advice session in AK Bell Library, Perth

AK Bell Library

The HEAT Project energy advisor Craig and The learning curve will host a home energy advice session from 10-12 on 14th April.Please feel free to join Learning Curve's Community Information Sessions and meet Craig. Location: The Learning Curve AK Bell Library, York Place Perth, P2 8EP The HEAT Project provides a free, professional energy advice [...]

The HEAT Project drop in session – home energy advice in Perth

AK Bell Library

Are you worried about your energy bills? The HEAT Project provide a free, professional energy advice service to households throughout Perth and Kinross to help them become more energy efficient and reduce energy bills.Feel free to drop-in to get home energy advice in Perth. The Learning Curve, AK Bell Library, York Place, Perth

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