The Nights Are Fair Drawin’ In

The Nights Are Fair Drawin’ In

What a summer! Record heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, wildfires in California and Colorado, dozens dead from heatstroke in Japan, people sleeping in the streets in Shanghai because their houses are too hot, Scottish farmers unable to replenish their fodder for next winter. And for once, schoolkids had decent weather for their summer holidays.

While no responsible scientist would state as fact that this is global warming, they do say that climate change has made a summer like this three times more likely than only 50 years ago.

Closer to home, our long hot summer does not guarantee a mild winter ahead – we could just as easily have an even more severe winter than the one just past (and already forgotten).

So now is the time to plan ahead. Have you stopped all those drafts? Insulated your loft and hot water cylinder? Fixed that dripping hot tap?

Fortunately, the HEAT Project can help!

Our new energy adviser, Rachel Comrie, is only too happy to visit you and run through the simple things you can do to save energy and money – and reduce your carbo dioxide emissions into the bargain.

Our service is completely free of charge, and we won’t be selling you anything or offering you any “too-good-to-be-true” special deals. Just independent and common sense advice.

The HEAT Project has been partnership with Perth & Kinross Council to provide free, professional and impartial home energy advice to help the thousands of households worried about the rising energy bills and the cost-of-living crisis or wanting to take action to address climate change.

By |February 6th, 2023|Categories: Blog-House energy efficiency tips|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

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Free Expert Energy Advice to households and SME businesses throughout Perth and Kinross

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